Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Post Critical Presentation!

It has become apparent that the way in which i went to develop an Architectural solution was an forced effort to attempt to create architectural infrastructure of a more traditional means. The building I have created became an architectural element that is really suitable for any situation. It became an traditional piece architecture accept with obvious major floors.

Looking at it now I have realised that I forced an architectural element for the sake of designing a piece of architecture, rather then looking at more unconventional precedence. I think that the solution we are looking for is not an architectural solution as such, its more a solution of man power, political labour v's everyday people labour. I believe there are major problems that are do be uncovered here, rather then a typical architectural solution, which I definitely forced into this problem as a solution.

I think a much more viable solution wold be to restructure the current parliamentary system. I spoke about levels of importance for issues and how the more intense / large the issues the higher up a leadership hierarchy the issue would go. I think this then become more an issue involved in how our current issues are being solved rather then connecting back to Parliament house. It wouldn't be until a large issue such as a carbon tax came into context that connecting back to parliament would become such an issue.

Lets create a hypothetical situation that is, just that. The current issue of the carbon tax is being debated within Parliament, and there are politicians from around Australia that must voice their own opinions that have been derived from their own people, from their own community. By implementing a system that allows each politician from their own region to represent their own people, we will be able to manage the amount of people that members of Parliament house will have to talk to.

Essentially everyone will be able to voice their word, through their representative. There would be no gain in allowing everyone to talk directly to parliament house. This would not be achievable, because of the amount of Australians to the amount of politicians within parliament house. This would also mean that if there was one person that has his own opinion about an issue, that no one else agrees on, this person would not be bogging down the system and wasting our time.

This would actually mean that what the representative politician from the region would be voicing would be an agreed consensus that would have to be voted by the people, and voice to parliament house via the regions representative politician.

What if this person now wanted to connect to Canberra, to parliament house? He would then have to go to Canberra to do so. The most efficient way to do so, would simply be to retrofit existing infrastructure with the latest virtual equipment.

What my building was, was an attempt to provide the infrastructure for politicians to connect to these other politicians around Australia.

This was simply an arrangement of meetings rooms, that were different to those they were connecting with. (to create a situation that would give the impression they were together, a good start would be to make both the separate environments, exactly the same). Same Furniture, carpet, sized room, size table etc.

I now believe that there is a social aspect related to my building. By creating new infrastructure that many politicians will congregate and meet at, I believe there are huge positive effects associated with creating new infrastructure, it provides a node, an element of presence involved with creating a virtual connection system.

However, If I would to completely redesign this building, it would simply be an area, not necessary one individual building, but rather a location that provided the infrastructure alone, and maybe some social spaces, where work relationships are built. Why does it have to be a building? Other then for reasons of shelter, a device to protect people from natural elements, this buildings role will be to house the infrastructure.

But why is there the need to have a room with these spaces with in it. Can they not be a number of very small buildings around one social area, that still provides the interaction between colleagues and a social aspect with we as humans crave and rely on.

The shelter could simply cover the virtual infrastructure, and the social area. There would need to be amenities, and room for these services that will need to be house, and which is normally done so with building products and elements that create the structure. Pretty quickly we are beginning to create a building.

A1 Panels

The function of this building extends far beyond an office building that allows the interaction of political bodies with average Joe personal via a virtual link. This building provides a function to those involved that not only provides the virtual service, but also the ability to house future and growing virtual entities. This piece of infrastructure has been designed to house the current virtual technology, as well as the up and coming technology that will supersede current systems. This infrastructure also provides a vital element to the virtual government, this being education. Designed entirely to invite and appeal to the general public to take part with political discussion and voice their word. This building aims to create the infrastructure required to house the equipment and commercial space associated with the introduction of a virtual connection system. This head quarter will act as an institute in, which people can come and work along side the politicians that organise our country.

This headquarters will not only act as a work place for those involved with the new virtual government, but also as a location of education associated with a virtual connection to parliament.

This building provides the space in, which politicians are connected through, to the virtual pods located around the entire of Australia. Every time a person connects to a politician within Canberra, they will be within this building, within their own virtual connection room.

The location of Canberra was chosen for the very reason that, Canberra is the political hotspot of Australia. To ensure that politicians are provided with the same tools as the rest of Australia are.

The addition of car parking spaces beneath the buildings, accessed via state circle this increase activity of employment to the area associated with the new virtual government building will not mean stretching the current parking infrastructure to the limit.

By integrating into the building facilities for bike riders and cyclists, this site will easily accessible regardless of the mode of transport.

To accommodate for the loss of grass area associated with the footprint of the virtual government building, the State Circle will be capped, and the new carking facilities infrastructure will be run beneath.

This building will act as a public transport hub to this area, there are currently a number of buses that can be caught to parliament house, this will allow workers and visitors to be dropped at their immediate destination. Located between the new and the old parliament house, this new virtual government headquarters is central to the current political area.

Places on the immediate axis of the current parliaments houses, this connection is not only to the people around Australia but also to the current system and site.

The addition of car parking spaces beneath the buildings, accessed via state circle this increase activity of employment to the area associated with the new virtual government building will not mean stretching the current parking infrastructure to the limit.

By integrating into the building facilities for bike riders and cyclists, this site will easily accessible regardless of the mode of transport.

To accommodate for the loss of grass area associated with the footprint of the virtual government building, the State Circle will be capped, and the new carking facilities infrastructure will be run beneath.

The elevations were heavily influenced by the attempt to allow as much penetration of natural light into the office spaces in the high section of the building. Using a glass facade was also a first choice to display a modern aesthetic. The idea with the structural pattern was created by some inspiration provided from hot spots and nodes that are placed across Australia being connected with this new virtual government and the provided infrastructure. The idea was to be able to see the structural support pattern through the glass, however this is has not been displayed in some of the renders.

What not shown on the elevation is the integration of sun hoods an shades, some initial tests were done on this building to analyse the effectiveness of sunshades and their ability to deflect direct sunlight during the warmer months of the year, however for technical reasons these were not shown. The sun hoods were to be placed to the north and north west facades directly above each window plane.

The large curved concrete that ties into the structural slab of the building was a solution to the need to tie the building to the entrance / drop off zone. There is the requirement for protection of weather to that region, so it was a good way to create a feature, create positive relationships, and create protection to those using the entrance.

The Pod landing was placed at the immediate entrance as a feature to the new Virtual Government Sector. This buildings function is also to educate the general public that come to the building. The floor plans are designed to allow streamline access to the building, and streamline direction to the function of the building. Each step is to provide not just function to the user but also to educate every person what this system involves and the runnings of how it works.

What has had a huge effect of the layout of the plans is also the strong site axis which the building sits on. The axis meant that the direction of the building was set, and a huge focus is created at either end of the building, pointing towards both of the existing Parliament houses. This meant the location of social areas and eating spaces had to be re-positioned to ensure an inviting habitable space is provided that will function as successful in creating space where people will congregate.

Entry Pod landing is accessible via opening doors, that allow a truck to drive along side, and place the Pods into the space required. This area is open to allow constant public flow of users into the space to see, use and interact with the virtual toys. Placed before the security zone, as there is no need to pass through security to use a virtual pod.

Perspective Views

South West Perspective
South East Perspective
North West Perspective
North East Perspective

External Renders

Internal Views

Monday, November 7, 2011



Eating Area / social zones

Originally I wanted all the social and eating zones to be placed at the southern end of the building. This however meant that these spaces would not be used due to the lack of sunlight that would be hitting those areas at the time of day they would be there. If zone Doesn't receive any natural light, the space will become gloomy and dull, people will not use it, no matter how interesting the built infrastructure really is.

Walkways & Direction

To ensure that all people are checked by security, there must be an entry point that everyone must go through. This is means that people coming in the direction from New Parliament house, they must either walk along the existing path, or along side the proposed building. To protect the users from typical canberra weather, a shelter of some sort needed to be provided. This meant that people could use the walkway and also see within the building. Originally I had the meeting spaces very private, which is more traditional / usual style meeting room. In this instance this building to be project its openness to the community and not be hiding any general activities. We want the general public to be comfortable with this new virtual government system, one way to educate them is to run the through the building, let them see it all. If people do not go in, at least they can see how it works from the outside.

This walkway also need to provide an interesting aesthetic to the building to ensure that the user doesn't feel as thought they shouldn't be there. Opening up the walkway and let some light in, and give them something to look at.

Bridging of the building to the road

The building has been bridged by a large curved concrete cast. This structure was tied back into the building by meeting at a floor level, this was used to not only provide an aesthetic appeal to the building, but also so provide shelter from people entering the drop off zone. The same structure is used at the opposite end for the same reason. No only does it create an effect for those walking underneath, but by placing cutouts through the cast cornet, a framing is formed for those viewing the New Parliament building.


Site Plan: Not to Scale
Ground Floor Plan: Not to Scale
Typical Office floor: (4th Floor)
This floor I would have moved the meeting spaces and larger enclosed offices into the middle to allow vern more sunlight, I had already placed a full wall of glazing to allow light to penetrate though into the centre of the office, as well as giving those offices for the more managerial role employees to have views over the city and parliament house. As well as the meeting spaces. However Andrew, said that I would have a better outcome if I was to place my offices the other way around.
Second Floor: Not to Scale
Third Floor: not to scale

If I was to do this assignment again I would have brooking the building up into a number of buildings, making smaller much more personal spaces, which allows better relationships with its users. A message from A pattern language, written by Christopher Alexander said that people were able to create and gain much stronger relationships with not only each other, but the place in general. this also would have created a number of very interesting court yards and spaces which also add the to social aspect of any area and set of buildings.

I wouldn't have chosen to let the building be so shaped by the axis of the site as well, I would have incorporate an element of the landscaping that would have relied on the axis of the site to encourage its shape and direction.