Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Closer Look at Canberra

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Our Existing Capital City, Change it?

Voice of the People

Is it really possible to have the voice of 22 million Australians heard by our government? Specially when our current government seems to be arguing between each other, let alone with the opinions of the entire nation.
Design of a Virtual Government

This was what we imagined the parliament would look like from the inside. Each of these would be located major cities / towns within a certain distance from smaller communities and town etc. The goal will be to provide each Australian the ability to have their voice heard and have their say, regardless of who they are and what minimal amount of political power they are entitled to.
This picture however would look a fair bit different, but with the same initial concept. We are worried about loosing the emotional appeal and personal relationship that each person has with a real piece of architecture and people face to face.
Another What if Senario
As we further discussed the WHAT IF scenario of World War 3, we quickly realised that designing anything in a war, regardless of whether it be in a virtual world, the entire design will continually be shifted back to designing for the safety of those in side. Continually researching at how to keep a tank missile from going through you front door.
We still loved the idea of spreading the capital City over Australia. So...
What if parliament was to include a system to hear the voice of the people virtually?... How would such a system work effectively for Australia?
We began to think...
Although creating a virtual space, in which a computer generated tool will be used, there needs to be bounds in which this tool is to be used. There still needs to be the architecture in which this tool is to be bound. This tool of direct democracy will need to be housed, these new pieces of infrastructure will be adding to the existing parliament house. The government identity of parliament house will be portrayed in each and every city / town in which the new infrastructure is added.
Parliament House as it stands projects beauty, power, elegance, modest wealth, and huge amounts of leadership. Do we want to replicate what is projected in the current parliament house in each piece of Infrastructure provided for this virtual direct democracy? Should it be toned down to a lesser degree? What would the people in each of the towns want? Are we trying to replicate the infrastructure, or should be designing from new, as the new style of government begins, should a new style of architecture for parliament begin with it.
We want all voices heard from the entire of Australia. A direct democracy will enable each and every person to have the political power in which Julia Gillard (as our current Prime Minister) currently has. By providing the infrastructure to house virtual Parliamentary Houses, over the country, this will become possible.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Virtual Group

Saturday, August 20, 2011
Virtual World - What is Virtual
- What does 'virtual' really consist of?
- How does a built element become virtual?
- What is the meaning of virtual?

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Combining Strategies
Jamie in Architecte wrote;
M-House is a flexible, relocatable house by Michael Jantzen consisting of a series of manipulable components that can be assembled and disassembled in a variety of ways to make a completely unique structure.
This house is made from the M-vironment system, which is a series of rectangular panels that are attached with hinges to a frame grid of seven interlocking cubes. The panels can be hinged at any location, so that they can fold in or out of the cube. Also, some of the panels can be insulated.
I love the idea of being able to have a dynamically-moving house, like a Transformer! If you want a patio, you can create a space that opens up and closes for the seasons, or you can add a guest room, whatever your heart desires. The structure doesn’t always require a foundation so it can be placed just on just about any solid terrain.
Read more at Design Milk: http://design-milk.com/the-flexiblerelocatable-house-by-michael-jantzen/#ixzz1VR9q68IR

Virtual vs Flexible / Distributed / Mobile
Findings / Realisations
- Flexible
- Mobile
- Distributed
- Virtual

Past Few Weeks
the scenario I suggested was strictly hypothetical:
theoretical, speculative, conjectured, conjectural, notional, suppositional, supposed, putative, assumed; academic. ANTONYMS actual.
What I understand as being hypothetical is giving our thoughts the ability to think beyond what is happening, and to place ourselves amongst a set of circumstances in which we can then become a problem solver, or even 'the' PROBLEM.
Below are a few sheets of our scribbles which we made up as a group to try and direct our own brief and thoughts.