Over the duration of the first 3 weeks of leading into this subject, there has been so much, if not too much thinking outside the box type of thought. I do not disagree that this type of researching and thinking in this manner does give way to another level of ways to look at the real world and our current situations, it does seem as though we (myself and a few mates) have struggled to really see how thinking so far out of a real world situation and noting down such irrelevant and useless information is really going to help us with such an issue as Parlament House, and our current political structure.
That was until, we are given such a topic as hypothetical space... A 'what if' situation. I believe that by giving ourselves a set situation, slightly unrealistic yet not impossibly, will be a way in which we can tie down such loose end thinking. A thought of what a hypothetical space could be... Firstly what is the absolute meaning of hypothetical;
the scenario I suggested was strictly hypothetical:
theoretical, speculative, conjectured, conjectural, notional, suppositional, supposed, putative, assumed; academic. ANTONYMS actual.
What I understand as being hypothetical is giving our thoughts the ability to think beyond what is happening, and to place ourselves amongst a set of circumstances in which we can then become a problem solver, or even 'the' PROBLEM.
Below are a few sheets of our scribbles which we made up as a group to try and direct our own brief and thoughts.

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