During tutorials over the last couple of weeks we had very in depth discussion about the four major focus points of this semester;
- Flexible
- Mobile
- Distributed
- Virtual
What is the meaning of each strategy? What does it mean to be flexible? What does it mean to be mobile? Distributed?... & Virtual?
As a small group we originally began to look at what it is that makes Architecture inflexible, immobile... what makes a piece of architecture unable to be distributed? and what is virtual and how are we going to tie in a virtual element into a building.
We were looking at what it is about these elements that we need? What is it that these strategies will add to our existing concept of Parliament.
To see what it is that we will be able to add to a design and a concept, we have to know exactly what it is that we want to bring to the sketch pad.
I believe that this is how having a hypothetical situation will help with a concept through to design! A 'WHAT IF?' situation. It allows us to create a set brief, a brief in which we can set goals and bring about some realistic need, rather then a situation in which we can create a new world of politics and political process simply because that sounds creative and as though we are thinking outside the box.
I believe that we should be thinking outside the box, and I also believe in creating a new political process and redesigning out parliamentary structure, but I only believe in this way of thinking if we simply note that this is not real, and we can not do it with one design, or let alone a year of design. There is so much more then I will ever know about the parliament and those within the parliament that its not something that can be restructured simply with 'A' or '1' design.
With a 'WHAT IF' situation we focus on one element of parliament, one which we can decide ourselves, by looking at current issues in which WE want to change. Maybe it just me, but I think that a hypothetical situation is exactly what is needed to further develop this design... well MYdesign...
To begin with we were very interested in flexible, we liked the idea of being able to create a building that can flex and change, one that can move and be distorted! One that can change to function. I loved the idea of researching into how people are currently doing so.

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